To see everyone who comes through our door gain a full knowledge of the Cross, walk in biblical truth and Christ-like character, and see the power of the Holy Spirit.
ROLA Youth Gathering
Wednesdays at 6:30 - 7:45 pm, in room 1
Students in 7th - 12th Grade
Check for Upcoming Events!
We can’t wait to meet you, if you have any questions please reach out!
Upcoming Events
3/15 SAT MOVIE DAY @2:30 Join us for a youth only movie day! Just $2 for popcorn,
soda, and candy!
3/26 WED NO YOUTH Enjoy your Spring Break!
4/6 SUN GAME DAY @4-7 You’re welcome to come hang out at the Seal Home for board games, dinner, and dessert!
4/16 WED EASTER HELP @3-5 Show up to help stuff bags with candy and goodies for the Community Easter Egg Hunt.
4/19 SAT COMMUNITY EASTER EGG HUNT @10 The annual egg hunt will again be at Jackson Park, starting with the Safety Fair @10 and the Egg Hunt will begin @11 sharp. Don’t be late! If you’d like to come to help out arrive @9.
4/20 SUN EASTER @9:30 Invite your friends and family for a time of celebrating what Jesus did for each and every one of us.
5/16 FRI HORIZON WORSHIP NIGHT @5:30-9 Horizon Christian School is hosting it’s second worship night at Covenant Christian in The Dalles. It will be followed by pizza and games. We’ll see you there!